
Exposition collective | Collective Exhibition
CIRCA Art Actuel, Montréal, CA
Andrée-Anne Carrier, Annie Conceicao-Rivet, Annie Charland-Thibodeau, Alexia Laferté Coutu
Commissaires | Curators : Émilie Granjon, Charline Giroud
20 février - 1er mai 2021

Texte d’exposition | Exhibition text

Gothic Drinking Fountain on North West corner of Lincoln’s Inn Fields, c. 1861
Verre coulé, sable, laiton | Cast glass, foundry sand, 2019.

St. James’ Park Drinking Fountain, c.1863
Verre coulé, sable, laiton | Cast glass, foundry sand, brass, 2019.

St. Lawrence Jewry and St. Mary Magdalene Drinking Fountain, c. 1866
Verre coulé, laiton | Cast glass, brass, 2020.

Robert H.Rogers Drinking Fountain, c.1890 
Verre coulé, sable, laiton | Cast glass, sand, brass, 2020.

Cornhill Fountain, c.1911
Verre coulé, cuivre, sable, laiton | Cast glass, copper, brass, 2020.

Aldgate Pump, c.1200

Verre coulé, plâtre, terra cotta, oxyde de fer | Cast glass, plaster, terra cotta, iron oxyde, 2020.

Crédits photographiques: Jean-Michael Seminaro.

Je remercie le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien.